How to Perform CPR?

CPR, also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a very common and popular lifesaving technique used on many drowning victims in particular. The method tries to keep blood and oxygen flowing through the body when a person’s heart and breathing have stopped, by manually pumping the heart.

Any trained person can perform CPR. It’s crucial to perform CPR within the first six minutes of the heart stopping. Any later than six minutes and CPR is likely not to work. If you are in a situation where no one knows how to perform CPR, then we’ve listed the steps to performing CPR for you down below.

1.    Check Your Surroundings

It’s important to check your surroundings and ensure that you aren’t putting your own life in danger to reach the person needing CPR.

2.    Check Responsiveness

You have to check the person to see if they’re responsive. Try shaking them and asking if they’re okay. If they aren’t responding, immediately call emergency services such as 911 and begin CPR while you wait for their arrival.

3.    Position Your Hands

If the person you need to perform CPR on is an adult, place the heel of your hand in the center of their chest. Put your other hand on top of the first one and interlock your fingers. Keep your fingers off the chest and keep the heel of your hand on the chest. For children above the age of one, use just one hand placed in the center of their chest. For infants or babies, use two fingers in the middle of their chest.

4.    Give Chest Compressions

Use your upper body to push down on the person’s chest. Try to perform these compressions at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute. Make sure you allow your chest to recoil between compressions. Keep repeating the compression cycle until the person begins to breathe themselves or medical help arrives on the scene. If the person does begin to breathe then make sure they lie down on their side until help arrives.

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